quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011

"I love you"

I guess the majority of people say it without knowing what it truly means.. they say it because it sounds good, its meant to have some impact on the other person and they say it hoping that whatever doubts there are will go away and everything will be fine. Sometimes they say it to reassure themselves.

And that sucks.

It is just a too meaningful expression to be used that way.

Watched "Love and other drugs" and it struck me how, the male protagonist was having a panic attack because he wanted to tell his girlfriend he loved her and it would be the first time he was ever saying it to anyone. He meant it.

I get mad at my boyfriend for saying it. Like actually disappointed because, he just says it to me all the time. Specially when i mad... i guess he hopes it will work like a remedy, the more he says it, the closer i ll be to believing. Truth is, i've become immune to it. Its become banal to have him say it.

And that is just sad.

The world is a fucked up place and we are fucked up people.

quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011

Taken for Granted

why do we taken anything for granted at all? Nothing lasts forever. Nothing. Everything today is temporary.

Don't take for granted that there will be food on your table tomorrow. Don't take for granted that your family will be alive and well forever. Don't take your job or financial situation for granted. Don't. Everything changes.

Don't take me for granted. I warned you..."the day you think you do enough for me, you might as well start thinking you are about to lose me. "

I wasn't kidding.